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Cheap airline tickets to Lilongwe

Cheapest prices for Lilongwe flights by month

Currently, the most cost effective month for flights to Lilongwe is May. the foremost expensive month for flights is July. the most cost effective prices are shown above but prices will vary consistent with departure times, airlines, class and the way early you book.

When is the best time to travel to Lilongwe?

The city features a humid subtropical climate which gravitates towards a subtropical highland climate. meaning that winters are mild and summers are very warm and pleasant. Since the town is at a high altitude, temperatures are less than would be the norm during a subtropical climate. the recent season from mid-August to November are often extremely popular and travelers are advised to guard themselves against UV burns from the sun. May and November are the foremost pleasant times to require flights to Lilongwe, with temperatures that aren't too hot or too cold.

The off-peak season is that the least expensive time within the city and this is often the perfect period to go to . this point of the year will offer cheap flights to Lilongwe and therefore the lowest rates on accommodation and activities. From December to March is that the short, wet season and an extended season which lasts for the rest of the year. June and July are considerably cooler than the remainder of the year. Many tourists like better to avoid booking flights to Lilongwe during the very rainy months, opting instead for the drier periods within the city. Since malaria occurs within the area, the wet season is usually much quieter than the remainder of the year as is that the hot season.

When is the best time to reserve a flight to Lilongwe?

The price you buy your flight to Lilongwe may vary counting on once you book. For the simplest chance of a lower fare, look to book 61 days beforehand of your trip. Fares are likely to extend a fortnight approximately before your departure date.

Which day is cheapest to travel to Lilongwe?

At the instant, Tuesday is that the most economical day to require a flight to Lilongwe. Saturday is probably going to be the foremost costly.

What time of day is cheapest to travel to Lilongwe?

Lilongwe flights are often made cheaper if you select a flight within the evening. Booking a flight at midday will likely mean higher prices.

City Overview

Named for the Lilongwe River, this interesting city is that the second largest city in Malawi and also its capital. the town is found in central Malawi near the Zambian and Mozambique border. For lovers of nature and wildlife, the world abounds with natural areas and in fact Lake Malawi. The Lilongwe Wildlife Centre takes in orphaned wildlife from everywhere Malawi and may be a great opportunity to satisfy their resident lion and leopard also as a spread of other species. Also within the Old Town is that the Lilongwe Market where you'll find an honest selection of food and drink also as take in the culture and socialize with locals. the primary war memorial tower represents the colonial history of the world and may be a popular landmark in Lilongwe.

The Nature Sanctuary are often found between the Old Town and therefore the city center and is an indigenous woodland reserve with informative walks, birds and mammals to enjoy. the town is extremely green and grassland areas are to be found and enjoyed quite on the brink of the town center. you'll find international and African cuisine at variety of restaurants within the city. At the Kumbali Cultural Village you'll enjoy traditional African dancing, drumming and authentic Malawian dishes.

Getting around Lilongwe

As the city of Lilongwe is extremely opened up , getting around by foot can prove difficult, therefore taxis and mini buses are advised.

Getting from the Airport to the City

Flights to Lilongwe will reach Kamazu International Airport (LLW). going to the town is fairly easy and you'll choose between variety of public transportation options namely rental car, bus and rail. the town is found about 12 miles (20 km) from the airport.

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